About Us

It seems that expats like to cherish the most memories, and love to walk with friendship. Like to create a community… Arun and Sajith were one of the topics that came up frequently in the discussions during the presentation of Eripuram.com.

Each generation has their own memories of Madayipara. Divakaran's enthusiasm has doubled my and Sajith's energy. PK Bhagyalakshmi Teacher- Bhagyechi, who always knows how to promote and always stands by any idea, our own N. Prabhakaran Mash, KKR Vengara, Jaffer, painter Muthukoya, T. Pavithran Mash, Abdullah Anchillath, V. C. Balakrishnan, E. Unnikrishnan have strengthened our confidence with the support of so many people.

Eripuram.com was proof that if Arunettan was with me, it would bring a world-class level of creativity and technology, so it didn't take long. Since March 2017, I have been coordinating its activities, thus beginning our work to copy Madayipara to the cyber world.

Madayipara is a land of wonders that has filled the dreams of generations. A land of intense thoughts, debates and anxieties. The lap of the gathering of the people of Eripuram and the surrounding areas. Our energy, our dream, our respect and gratitude for this land that has made us who we are, is its simple name, Madayipara.com.

If we want our generation and future generations to know about the ghosts, historical writings, biodiversity and cultural engagements of Madayipara and the surrounding areas, we need to make available documents scattered in many places. This is the first stage of our concept of Madayipara.com, a place where you can experience Madayipara from any corner of the world by integrating the infinite possibilities of modern technology.

The works of many writers have helped us to realize the idea of bringing the lap of Ezhimalakaat, which sings the psalms of primitive historical stories, to the forefront of the world. Madayipara.com is the true answer that each of us has a responsibility to preserve the relics left to us by time. The biographies that fate has always preserved, the historical writings that are forgotten, the nostalgia that shines like a gem in the memory of generations.The wonders of nature painted by the seasons. The sights of Madayipara! We record here. This is the beginning of the recordings. It is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about. The color presence of the first realization is welcome.

We still have a lot of dreams ahead of us: A study center for the conservation and research of the biodiversity of Madayipara, which is the next mission of the Madayipara.com foundation.

With love
Divakaran, Arun and Sajith